European Games Coproduction Market
Date & Time
18.04.2021 - 18.04.2021
Online Application
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Call for applications
01.03.2021 – 18.04.2021
Are you struggling with the completion of your financing? Do you need a specific expertise? Do you want to access the right publishers deal? Do you want to have a better international exposure? Or on the contrary, do you have the resources to co-develop a project with a
foreign partner?
What about European coproduction?
The European Games Coproduction Market is a programme powered by SpielFabrique, that aims to foster coproduction projects between indie game studios in Europe. The market is composed of several milestones’ events and activities:
- The selection of the studios from 1st of March to 18th of April 2021
- Pitching training for the match making days – April – June 2021
- The online matchmaking days – 28 to 30 of June 2021
- Mentoring of teams for the coproduction market – July – November 2021
- The coproduction market with experts, publishers and investors of the European video game industry on the 15 – 16 November 2021 in Strasbourg. Every team with a coproduction partner will meet experts, publishers and investors to launch their
The programme is totally free, the financing of the programme is supported by Spielfabrique’s partners.
Nothing will be charged to the studios!
What is Spielfabrique looking for?
They are looking for studios from France, Germany, Spain, Flanders (Belgium) and Croatia!
Either you are a small indie game studio with a video game prototype looking for a partner to support you on your project, bringing financing and/or specific expertise. In this case you need a project pitch for the market, with at least a prototype to present. The studio has to be already established.
Or you are small/medium indie game studios looking for a project to co-produce. You need to be an established studio and you must pitch what kind of support you can provide and what kind of project you can work on, how you can help another studio with your experiences and knowledge.
You can already register here, until 18.04.2021. The whole programme will be held in English.