Guerrilla Marketing – How to use Social Media to your Advantage @ A MAZE. / Berlin
Date & Time
24.07.2021 - 24.07.202114:00 - 16:00 CEST
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A MAZE. / Berlin is an international festival, a platform for games and playful media and the festival is celebrating their ten years anniversary this year, happening from July 21 to July 24 with an inspiring programme of talks and workshops, idea market places and knowledge bazaar the art of video games making.
games:net Berlin Europe and games:net berlinbrandenburg are cooperating with the festival to bring you an interesting online workshop:
Guerrilla Marketing – How to use Social Media to your Advantage
When: July 24, 14:00 – 16:00 CEST via Zoom
Let’s keep it short and simple. Social Media is the best place for inexpensive and effective way of marketing a product or an idea. And in this Workshop we will talk about:
- What Guerrilla Marketing is, why it is perfect for small and medium-sized companies and how we can implement it in our own way with small budgets.
- We will take a look at Pixel Maniacs (Can’t Drive This) and get insights about their strategy of making their game popular on Social Media.
- We will make a short Q&A session to try to answer some questions and make the concept of Guerilla Marketing as clear as possible.
- Here comes the creative part: At the end together we will develop sample Guerrilla Marketing Campaigns to prove that it’s not as hard as it may sound. (50-60 Minutes)
This workshop is perfect for small and mid-size companies that don’t have huge marketing budgets or for people generally interested in marketing of games/products/services.
A pen and a paper for taking notes (or phone/pc). A microphone to be able to ask questions. Camera is not a must have.
This workshop will be given via Zoom.
Artist: Boyan Bonev
Boyan Bonev is an owner of a small digital marketing agency focused on content marketing in Nuremberg, Germany. He worked on the viral marketing of the game „Can’t Drive This“, is consulting the likes of PietSmiet about Social Media Strategies and has one of the largest social media entertainment networks in Bulgaria. His goal is to make marketing fun and effective for the companies and the consumers through content marketing.
You can get your tickets and more information about the anniversary edition of A Maze. / Berlin can be found on the official website.