medianet GAMES International – Transatlantic introduces: RANDWERK
Date & Time
13.12.2023 - 13.12.20234 pm - 5 pm
Zoom Live Stream
Click here

On December 13th, 4 p.m., IndieAdivsor’s André Bernhardt will conduct an interview with one of Berlin’s latest indie developers. RANDWERK is not only very successful with their first game ABRISS, which won the DCP for Best Graphic Design in 2023, but is also the first game studio that uses the German cooperative form, leading their company in a democratic way. In the live Zoom interview they will get into the reasons why they chose this company model as well as the development story of ABRISS.
Register here for the interview.

André Bernhardt – IndieAdvisor
André Bernhardt has run IndieAdvisor & Company for nine years. He offers external business development and consulting for indie developers, curates the devcom Indie Expo, teaches at different colleges and hosts panels, talks and other events.

Johannes Knop – Randwerk
Johannes Knop is game designer, chairman and co-founder at Randwerk Games, Germany’s first game studio cooperative. With their debut, the destructive physics puzzle game “ABRISS – build to destroy”, Randwerk has already won the German Computer Game Award in the category “Best Graphic Design”.
Contact Person

Anne Autenrieb
Projektmanagerin GAMESPhone
030 2462 857 – 18Email